2013-02-10 | 10:42:00 | Kategori: Citat

Citat "Into The Wild" 4x13

Tyler: Morning, sunshine. You look pathetic.
Shane: I believe in magic.
Damon: Everything changes tomorrow. It'll be all unicorns and rainbows.
Caroline [to Klaus]: You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you.
Rebekah: It's all an act, Stefan. Being a vampire is miserable. I would give  anything to be human.
Shane: I'll stay here to make sure she's safe.
Damon: I'll stay here to make  sure you're not lying.
Rebekah: I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body.  Bonnie's the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. You and I  have the tombstone which does God knows what. And Elena has no point.
Damon:  What about me?
Rebekah: You have a nice behind.
Elena: I'm sorry. And how are you helping?
Rebekah: I'm stronger than you.  I'm faster than you. And I'm quite certain I can charm the islanders a lot  easier than you.
Elena: Not disagreeing on the easy part.
Stefan: All  right. We get it. You two hate each other. Can we just keep going, please?
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