2012-10-25 | 14:30:00 | Kategori: Citat

Citat ur 4x02 "Memorial"

Damon: [on Elena] "You better hope she`s not a fan of Bambi."


Elena: "All I can think about it your hands on my body."


Stefan: "Everything is heightened. Taste. Smell. Sight. Touch."


Damon: "The council`s dead, Liz. I see that as a win."
Liz: "I`ve known some of the council since I was a kid. They were my friends."
Damon: "Well, your friends tried to kill your daughter."


Matt: "If there’s anything I can do, you know, short of giving her a ride, you’ll let me know, right? I’m only alive because she told Stefan to save me first. She’s vampire because of me, so I’d like to pay it back or forward … or whatever."


Elena: "You`re so cheery."
Stefan: "Yeah, because you`re here. And you`re alive. Ish."


Damon: “That seat’s taken.”
Elena: “There’s no one there.”
Damon: “Well, I’m just going to pretend like there’s someone there because the alternative is too damn depressing.”


Damon: "Am I wearing my `I blew up the Council` t-shirt?"


Damon: "Pick your meal. You`ve got Asian fusion... Mexican... What about some good old American comfort food?"



Damon: "Just don`t tell Stefan."
Elena: "Why not?"
Damon: "Because blood sharing is kind of... personal."


Caroline: "This is wrong. A bunch of people died and we`re having sex."
Tyler: "Grief sex. It`s healthy."
Caroline: "It`s selfish."
Tyler: "It`s natural. Besides if we stopped having sex every time somebody died in this town, we`d explode."


Stefan: "Bonnie, I know you`re in there. I can hear you breathing."


Stefan: “I think we have a new vampire hunter in town."
Bonnie: “Oh, that’s bad timing.”


Damon: “Your four-legged protein shake was a bust; the juice box is a no-go. She can’t even keep my blood down.”
Stefan: "She drank from you?"
Damon: "Oops. Did I say that out loud?"



Stefan: “We’re finishing the memorial we didn’t get to have earlier. We need to start healing. We’ve all lost so much, especially recently. We think we’re numb through it. We push it away, we make a joke out of it. We know how we feel. Maybe we should let ourselves grieve.” 


Stefan: "This is for my uncle Zach, and my friend Lexi. For Alaric.
Matt: "This is for Vicky."
Caroline: "This is for my dad, and Tyler’s."
Jeremy: "This is for our parents, for Vicky, Anna, Jenna… Alaric."
Bonnie: "This is for my grams.
Elena: "This is for my mom, my dad, and Jenna… everyone you’ve all lost, everyone this town has lost… and for me. I guess."



Postat av: Anonym

så fucking ful man !
hon sa inte ens alaric omg.. bitch please elena !

2012-10-25 / 19:12:36
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