2012-11-18 | 13:34:00 | Kategori: Citat

Citat ur 4x06

Damon: You know what they say about teenage suicide... don't do it.
Klaus: Caroline, you're beautiful. But if you don't stop talking, I will kill  you.
Jeremy: Give me a stake. I'll kill Damon right now.
Damon: Easy, Van  Helsing.
Katherine: You're a monster, Elena. You deserve to die.
Damon: How does Klaus know anything? The guy's liked a billion years old.
Stefan [to Klaus]: You're using your calm voice today. Who's getting killed?
Jeremy: What happened?
Damon: Long story. Buy the e-book.
Damon: You should have called Stefan.
Elena: I don't trust him right now.
Damon: P.S. I called Stefan.
Postat av: Michelle

Jag gillar alla förutom den bilden som säger att Elena är en mödare men den roligase var när Damon sa till Jermy att köppa E- book haha älskar Damon han är så roligt

2012-11-19 / 18:27:58
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